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Bruegel propune reducerea TVA in UE27 cu 1%


Bruegel, un think-tank european pe teme economice, a propus, ca o masura esentiala in limitarea recesiunii la nivelul UE 27, reducerea TVA cu 1% concomitent in toate cele 27 state membre. Este explicat si mecanismul acestei reduceri, precum si alte masuri pe care acesti economisti le propun.

Iata concluzia analizei celor de la Bruegel:

Budgetary boost:Harmonised VAT cut of one percentage point across the board plus national measures, especially targeted relief, tailored to countryspecific circumstances in order to reach a total of one percent of GDP, to become effective by 1 January 2009 and to be phased out in 2010.

Reform commitment:Compensation for deficits above three percent of GDP through sustainability- enhancing reforms.

Enforcement:Correction of excessive deficits to be implemented as early as 2010 if reform commitment is broken.

Prudent borrowing: Agreement by all euro-area countries not to borrow at more than 200 basis points above the lowest euroarea government bond yield.

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Pledoarie pentru TVA de 15% la nivelul UE 27

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