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Declaratie Asociatiei Presei Straine din Romania privind incalcarea libertatii presei

Declaratie Asociatiei Presei Straine din Romania

privind incalcarile libertatilor presei

Asociatia Presei Straine din Romania, ai carei membrii

sunt corespondenti care transmit stiri despre Romania

pentru mass media internationala, este ingrijorata

fata de ultimele evenimente petrecute la doua

cotidiane importante din Romania, Evenimentul Zilei si

Romania Libera.

Ca parte a acestei asociatii credem cu tarie in

dreptul fiecarui jurnalist de a relata subiectele in

mod corect si obiectiv si credem in independenta

editoriala a tuturor formelor de media – ziare,

televiziune, radio – indiferent de patronajul lor,

privat sau de stat, strain sau local.

Vom continua sa urmarim in de-aproape situatia acestor

doua publicatii sus mentionate si a altora si vom fi

pregatiti sa-i sustinem pe colegii ale caror drepturi

la libertatea de exprimare risca sa fie compromise.

Versiunea originala:

Statement from the Foreign Press Association of

Romania regarding threats to press freedom

The Foreign Press Association of Romania, which groups

correspondents covering Romania for foreign media, is

concerned about developments at two major Romanian

national daily newspapers, Evenimentul Zilei and

Romania Libera.

We at the association firmly believe in every

journalist’s right to report the news truthfully and

we believe in the editorial independence of all media

outlets_ newspapers, television and radio_ no matter

what their ownership, private or state, foreign or


We will continue to closely watch the developments at

these two newspapers and elsewhere and we are prepared

to stand by colleagues whose rights to editorial

freedom are under threat of compromise.